Contact Details

Name as you wish it to appear on planetarium dome

What birthday are we celebrating? (i.e. 5th, 10th, 13th, etc.)

The base price of $200 includes up to 30 children. Number of adults is unlimited. The planetarium holds 61 people total.

Best estimate of Children in Attendance - Parties are limited to 30 children

Best estimate of Adults in Attendance (adults are unlimited)

The base price of $200 includes one hour in the planetarium and one hour in a room where you may bring refreshments. If you would like to add additional time to your party (in 30 minute increments up to an additional hour), please select below.


GOODIE BAGS: The Haile Planetarium can provide goodie bags for the children attending your party. Goodie bags are $5 each up to 30 bags. Goodie bags are optional, you do not have to purchase them from the Haile Planetarium. You may bring your own. An example of what goodie bags may include is pictured below. Items in bag are subject to change and may vary party to pary, depending on availability.

If you would like to purchase GOODIE BAGS, select the number needed below. ($5 each)
Additional Information

Birthday Party Month

Date and time selection on next page.
Reservations must be made at least 3 weeks in advance of your desired date. Your selected date is pending until approved by the venue. If the date you are wishing to reserve is not listed, it is NOT available as a party date. Not all Saturdays are available for birthday parties.
If the month you wish to reserve has not yet been added to the schedule, please call the Connect Center at (859) 572-5600.