From Surviving to Thriving: Mindful Self-Care Practices for Leaders
Wednesday, April 16, 2025 |
6:00 PM - 7:30 PM |
Brighton Center Scholar House (402 W 6th St, Newport, KY 41071) |
Living with joy and tranquility in a stress-filled world isn’t easy. The difference between thriving—bringing positivity to ourselves and those around us—and merely surviving isn’t a matter of acquiring more stuff or perfecting our “look,” lifestyle, or strategies; rather, it’s about taking care of and growing ourselves. Only by doing so can we better care for and serve others. Simply, self-care is a necessary condition and foundation for becoming a more effective helper, leader, and person. This session forcuses on practical activities and mindful practices that can help us on our life-long, self-care adventure that will take us to places we haven’t been before. And the benefits can be greater than gold.
Mark Wasicsko
Professor, Educational Leadership & Advanced Studies
Northern Kentucky University
From Surviving to Thriving - Mindful Self-Care Practices for Leaders
I'm Mark Wasicsko, a professor in the College of Education and have been at NKU since 2005. Prior experiences include being a science teacher, faculty member, department chair, dean, and provost. My teaching includes courses in transformational leadership, best practices for college teachers, lifespan development, and the fundamentals of mindfulness. My primary interest is investigating the human elements (dispositions, values, and beliefs) that allow helping professionals and leaders to make positive changes in themselves, others, and their communities. For over 40 years, I have applied this interest to preparing educators, leaders, and other helping professionals, selecting/hiring “gruntled” colleagues, and assisting people to grow and enhance their dispositions. Now, nearing the end of a fulfilling career, my primary interest is helping professionals increase their effectiveness through self-awareness and mindfulness practices.