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Calling in the Cavalry - When to consider using outside help for your IT Security program

Cyber Operations (SU 109)
Friday, October 14, 2022
9:30 AM - 10:30 AM
Student Union 109


Agenda Item Image
Mr. Chris Norris
Sr. IT Risk Consultant

Calling in the Cavalry - When to consider using outside help for your IT Security program


Do you feel like you’re struggling to grow your IT security program to where you want it to be? It may be time to consider help from the outside. Today there are a wide range of managed security services such as using a full fledged MSSP to using point solutions like managed SIEM, managed VM or MDR.

In this presentation we’ll cover when those options make sense as well as the benefits and challenges that come with them. We'll also cover how you can best structure your limited staff around such services to make the most use of them.


Chris Norris CISSP has been in the IT/cyber industry for 28 years in a variety of roles. In that time he has had multiple dealings with providers such as MSSPs having been at some point a customer, partner and an employee of a major MSSP. This has given him a rich perspective on how and MSSP or similar provider can benefit a customers program as well as the challenges such an undertaking presents.